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高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)在海拔2 400~4 800 m的悬崖峭壁之上营巢,行为观测难度较大,资料匮缺。2013年至2015年,在天山采用样线调查法、问卷调查法,寻找到上百个巢穴。通过布设红外自动相机的方法,对高山兀鹫繁殖期巢内行为进行拍摄,同时结合焦点动物取样法和瞬时扫描法,对其交配及巢内行为进行观察和研究。共拍摄11万张照片,选出有效照片2 150张。对繁殖期行为进行了描述和定义,共7大类16种行为。根据照片逐一对比每种行为,统计各种行为拍摄张数及所占比例,其中,交配135张(6.3%),筑巢403张(18.7%),休息420张(19.5%),警戒375张(17.4%),保养335张(15.6%),运动200张(9.3%),其他282张(13.1%)。照片记录显示,交配行为从1月16日持续到3月2日,在一天的8:00~16:00时间段内,除9:00~10:00时没有记录到交配行为外,其余时间段内都有发生。交配行为次数(张数)在13:00~14:00时达到高峰,与气温同期达到高峰。交配过程持续8~15 s。筑巢期间,巢材由雌雄兀鹫运输,雌性负责将巢材放入巢中,整理、铺垫和修缮。筑巢行为在白天有三个高峰期,分别为11:00~12:00时、13:00~14:00时和15:00~16:00时。在每个高峰期后,往往出现一个短暂的低谷期。冬季食物短缺,照片显示雕鸮(Bubo bubo)、雪豹(Uncia uncia)等食肉动物进入巢内,对兀鹫繁殖造成干扰,甚至中断繁殖。作为高原健康指示物种,高山兀鹫生存状况不容乐观,急需加强保护。  相似文献   
The forest wealth of the Himalayan ranges is abundant with unique medicinal herbs, having tremendous economic importance. Latterly, these have adversely suffered at the hands of poachers and unlawful trade activities. The author cites the names of some of the rare species, in a bid to achieve their conservation through sensitization and participation of the masses, especially the tribals, in the greater interest of humanity.  相似文献   
云南迪庆州传统藏药雪莲资源的保护和可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对云南省迪庆藏族自治州传统藏药雪莲资源及其利用的状况进行了调查。通过调查发现该地区雪莲植物共有22种及1变种,市场上常当作商品出售的有5种。雪莲每年的贸易量达到55000kg,而且资源利用方式落后,已经造成雪莲特别是二年生的雪莲个体数明显减少,严重威胁了这些物种的生存。依据调查结果,建议提高人们的保护意识,控制雪莲的采集量、限制一年生雪莲采集的时间以及禁止多年生雪莲的采集。  相似文献   
白清泉  左凌仁 《动物学杂志》2022,57(5):667,677,688-156
近年来,随着观鸟活动和鸟类科研工作在辽宁的持续开展(Baietal.2015,汤姆·滨客2016),辽宁各地不断发现鸟种分布新记录种(白清泉等2019)。2012至2020年间,在丹东、大连、抚顺等市先后发现小鸦鹃(Centropus bengalensis)、雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)、红翅凤头鹃(Clamator coromandus)、宝兴歌鸫(Turdus mupinensis)和黄眉姬鹟(Ficedula narcissina)5种,经查阅相关资料(邱英杰等2006,郑光美2017),确定为辽宁省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   
雪豹是全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,精准评估雪豹栖息地质量可为其种群保护提供科学参考。本文选取地形、气候、植被类型和人为干扰等环境因子,采用景观连接度和MaxEnt模型两种方法,对祁连山国家公园青海片区雪豹栖息地质量进行评价。结果表明:高适宜栖息地主要分布在研究区的西部和中部,适宜面积占青海片区总面积的71.8% ~ 77.5%,两种方法预测的适宜栖息地重叠区为8 979.1 km2,占青海片区总面积的56.7%;39.8% ~ 43.3%的适宜栖息地分布在一般控制区,56.7% ~ 60.2%的适宜栖息地分布在核心保护区;疏勒河源区适宜栖息地面积最多,石羊河源区适宜栖息地面积最少,黑河源区适宜栖息地面积占比最高,约为77.1% ~ 91.8%。适宜栖息地面积整体呈现自东向西递增的趋势。一般控制区分布有较大面积的雪豹栖息地,人类活动将是一般控制区雪豹栖息地的潜在威胁。本研究对优化雪豹就地保护措施提供科学借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
雪豹 (Panthera uncia) 隶属于食肉目猫科豹属,是生活在青藏高原及其周边地区的旗舰物种。随着分子生物学和高通量测序技术的发展,雪豹保护遗传学和保护基因组学研究得到快速的发展,其中非损伤性遗传取样法显著推动了雪豹保护遗传学研究。本文综述了非损伤性遗传取样法在雪豹物种鉴定、个体识别和性别鉴定等研究中的应用,雪豹的系统发生地位、系统地理格局和种群遗传结构及其亚种争议、演化历史、适应性演化和基因组特征等保护遗传学和基因组学方面的研究现状和进展,并对雪豹保护遗传学和基因组学未来发展趋势进行了展望,以期促进雪豹保护生物学研究和保护对策的科学制定。  相似文献   
利用微卫星DNA标记,对来自青海囊谦县、治多县以及甘肃阿克塞县3个地区的36份雪豹(Panthera uncia)粪便DNA样品进行了遗传多样性研究。结果显示,在8个微卫星位点上共检测到57个等位基因,有效等位基因数为2.190~5.488,平均每个位点的等位基因数为7.130,基因频率分布不均匀;期望杂合度为0.543~0.847,平均0.759;多态信息含量为0.458~0.829,平均0.722;表明这8个微卫星位点均为高度多态性位点,有较丰富的遗传多样性。3个样地雪豹居群之间的遗传距离与地理距离相关,地理距离最近的青海省囊谦县和治多县的雪豹居群遗传距离最小。根据雪豹平均遗传分化度Fst(0.053)、平均基因流(4.488)以及STRUCTURE聚类分析结果(当K=1时,ln P(D)值最大),推测3个居群间虽然有一定的遗传距离,但均来自同一个种群,暂无分化现象。  相似文献   
The release of N2O from the snow surface in winter and the soil in summer was measured in ten types of temperate ecosystems (bare ground, grassland, forest, marsh, and crop field) in Japan. The snow-covered crop field emitted by far the largest amount of N2O during the winter. Among the snow-covered natural ecosystems studied, marshy ecosystems showed the largest effluxes of N2O. Based on results showing that the magnitude of the winter N2O fluxes was not negligible compared with that of the summer N2O fluxes and because the snow period in the areas studied area is sufficiently long, we suggest that the winter N2O fluxes contribute significantly to the annual emission of N2O in the study areas.  相似文献   
Galen C 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):195-201
Solar tracking or heliotropism simultaneously raises organ temperature and light interception. For leaves and flowers carbon gain is maximized at the expense of water loss. In this study I explore how costs and benefits associated with water use by solar-tracking flowers of the alpine snow buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus change with ambient temperature. First, I test whether heliotropism increases the water cost of reproduction in the snow buttercup under extant alpine conditions. I then explore whether water use for evaporative cooling in solar-tracking flowers reduces the risk of over-heating as temperatures increase. Solar tracking, by elevating floral temperature and irradiance causes a 29% increase in water uptake by flowers. Gas exchange measurements suggest that the extra water taken up by solar-tracking flowers is released through transpiration. Transpirational cooling in turn allows solar-tracking flowers to gain advantages of enhanced light interception and warmth while reducing the risk of over-heating. Transpiration reduces excess temperature in solar-tracking flowers, but at a water cost. Results show that even in cool alpine habitats, flower heliotropism has water costs to balance its reproductive advantages. Plants with solar-tracking flowers may tolerate hotter conditions if soil moisture is plentiful, but not under drought.  相似文献   
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